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June calendar full of kids’ activities

It’s so cold you can barely concentrate. At least some of the older kids have gone back to school, but what do you do with the rest of the busy little bodies? They can’t play outside for an entire day and a whole day of screen time is not good either…not much choice here, isn’t it?

We thought it best to plan out the whole of June of daily winter activities your children can enjoy indoors. There are some things that they’ll need to collect outside, but it’ll take less than 5 minutes. Maybe you’ve done some of these already, but we’ve gone out of our way to find accessible arts and crafts that you didn’t even think of or neither have seen.

Let’s start, shall we?

1 June – Sensory Leaf Painting

You will love this because it’s mess-free and your children will find it fascinating to see how colours mix into this season’s leaves, and it’ll engage their senses while their fingers move the colours around.

2 June – Stick Men

Gather sticks from the garden and transform them into stick men. This activity can easily be enjoyed by toddlers keeping them busy with glueing on eyes, dressing the stick men and giving them unique personalities.

3 June – Fairy House

Kids love fairies such as Tinkerbell and believe they are real. Ask your children if they want to make a fairy house, and they’ll immediately become creative with endless ideas.

4 June – Hot Chocolate

Children’s next best beverage, followed by milkshake or soda, of course. This is another sensory activity kids can enjoy while mom makes some real hot chocolate to enjoy in this cold.

5 June – Macaroni Glitter & Glue

We’re all familiar with painting macaroni and making jewellery, but with macaroni glitter and glue your child’s imagination can reach the sky’s limits. It’s incredibly easy to dye the macaroni in your children’s preferred colours.

6 June – Dish Soap Putty

It’s sooo easy and will be ready in 10 minutes. Kids love slime, but that sometimes need more ingredients, and with this two-ingredient putty, you’ll have those little hands busy for at least an hour.

7 June – Road Map Drawings

We know that there’s Google Maps to take us to our destinations without any struggle, but if there’s by any chance an old map book laying around, let your kids have it. Give them a couple of markers and highlighters and let them explore South Africa. They’ll eventually follow their imagination and draw in trees, fish and cars.

8 June – Potato Prints

This should bring back some old memories…Cut potatoes into any shapes from circles, rectangles, to hearts or stars, add paint and paper to the mix and let your children paint whatever comes to mind.

9 June – Hop, fly, stomp, wiggle…

Kids have loads of energy to burn. There should be a box standing around somewhere – the bigger, the better! Involve kids to think about activities the family should do when the ‘dice’ lands on that side.

10 June – Bouncy eggs

Eggs are tasty, and children love them scrambled, but with this fun science project eggs will get a new meaning. These whole bouncy eggs are fun to play with, and assorted colouring can be added for example green and blue to pretend they’re dinosaur eggs.

11 June – Tie-dye

Do you remember the result of your tie-dye shirts? If it was successful, show your kids how fun it is and if the result weren’t that great then now’s the time to redo it, with your children! Grab some old shirts and get dyeing…

12 June – Dress up

There’s no link here because we just remembered this! It was so much fun, getting dressed in old clothes from mom and dad and dressing up just like them…parading through the house imitating them. This sure should create a lot of laughter, try it with your children.

13 June – Let them fly

Give your kids wings to fly, well sort of…Provide them with the materials and let them make their own wings to fly with during the winter wind or when the sun is at least shining for a while. This is a super fun activity because they can customize their wings to their liking.

14 June – Funny face flipbook

Especially for the extremely bored children. This is simple to put together and will keep your kids busy the entire afternoon. The eyes, noses and mouths can be cut out of magazines for more authenticity too.

15 June – Hopscotch

You probably think that you’re very familiar with this game, but there’s a twist. It’s still jumping correctly into the next block, but with this one, you’ll be using your hands too. Sounds simple, but it’s quite easy to make a mistake.

16 June – Blow painting

This example is especially on how blow paint germs – maybe an appropriate one to explain Covid-19 to your little ones? But with liquid watercolours, paper and straw, they can basically blow anything.

17 June – Riddles

Not arts and crafts, but definitely a way for your children to consider if they’re really as smart as they think they are… Let’s see if you know the answer to this one – What part of London is in Brazil?

18 June – Dancing rice

Rice can’t dance…yes, it can! Follow the link to see the experiment you can practice with your busybodies and have a dance along …it’s easy, fun and who don’t like experiments?

19 June – Aquarium

Aquariums will be out of the question for some time, that’s why we’re suggesting a homemade aquarium in a mason jar! A value-added benefit is that children will take care of their fish without a fuss.

20 June – Rainbow walking

Show your kids the rainbow…not in the sky but right there in your kitchen. You can also teach them how the primary colours mixed together creates other secondary colours.

21 June – Napkin Princesses

Any lady wearing a dress should be considered a princess, right? These piper cleaner and napkin princesses are great for imaginary play and make the sweetest room decorations. Perfect to act out stories and plays.

22 June – Snow

No, we’re not joking. Yes, we experience little to no snow during winter, but you can still create your own for your children to play with. Fake snow is indeed better than no snow…

23 June – Send a hug

Real hugs are out of the question, especially for friends and family you don’t see often. Let the kids paint themselves in a hug form and send it to your loved ones – this is a special gift, the receivers will adore it.

24 June – Spoons

We hope you have enough spoons in the house for this game! Some children might be quick, good, or just lucky. Get out all the spoons and enjoy a fun family game together. Good luck!

25 June – Toilet roll knitting

A fun and easy activity and can actually keep them busy for days…french knitting and you already have all the equipment at home. Let them make their own colourful yarn bracelets.

26 June – Paper hyacinth flowers

Paper flowers to getting everyone excited, especially in a season where flowers are scarce. You can choose your own coloured paper and let the girls, or boys, join in making some flower bouquets for your home.

27 June – Launching balls

So much fun – 3 simple DIY popsicle stick catapult designs that you can build with your kids with materials you have around the house.

28 June – Bow and arrow

Easy to make and safe to use indoors. The supplies you need are only popsicle sticks, dental floss, a knife and earbuds.

29 June – Animal marionettes

Children can make their own marionettes from toilet paper rolls, tissue paper, and painted beads, and anything else they wish to use to create their unique animals.

30 June – Minute to win it

The goal is to slide 15 plastic cups off the edge of a table using the air from an inflated balloon. You may not touch the cups with your hands or any other part of your body at any time. Who will be the winning team?

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